

Recipe for hair growth: 5 tips that work!

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Many people look for recipes for hair growth in their eagerness to find a magic solution for hair in a few days. But, the hair growth process requires daily care and patience, and we’ll help you with tips that really work!

The use of recipes for hair growth without scientific proof can be very harmful to your hair and scalp, causing problems with fungus, oiliness, dandruff and even hair loss. These solutions considered miraculous are not very effective and should be avoided by anyone who wants healthy hair.

And healthy is the most important word when talking about hair growth. For hair to grow well, it needs to be taken care of, with the right products and procedures. For that, read until the endIt is article and see the recipe for correct hair growth in 5 steps!

Recipe for healthy hair growth

Of all the methods for growing hair, the ones that really work are those that promote scalp activation and blood circulation. The strands come from the top of the head, and this should be the main place to provide care, also the one that requires the most attention when applying a product.

In addition to a lot of growth, these tips promise to bring shine, nutrition and softness to the strands, providing a healthy hair aspect. Just follow the steps in your routine whenever possible, giving an even better result than expected.

Before knowing the recipe for hair growth, we must emphasize that there is no miracle to grow hair. But there are key factors for this process to occur, such as a well-fertilized land that provides good nutrients for a plant to develop. Look:

1 – Use strengthening shampoo

Good quality strengthening shampoos have an activator that will help speed up the growth process through blood flow and stimulation of the scalp. With that, you will have an improvement in the quality and speed of this healthy growth.

2 – Hair tonic

In this second recipe tip for hair growth, we have the tonic, which will be a complement to the strengthening shampoo. It can be applied in your shampoo rotation or separately, just at the root. Choose a good quality hair tonic and implement it into your schedule.

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3 – Hair schedule

As we mentioned earlier, it is super important that you have a capillary schedule adapted to your routine. A capillary schedule will guide you on the processes of nutrition, hydration and reconstruction of your hair, providing the health of the strands and leather. A surefire recipe for hair growth.Click here and see how to make your capillary schedule.

4 – Brush your hair in the shower

Combing your hair while showering is yet another way to stimulate your scalp and blood circulation. This movement will promote growth and also prevent hair loss due to friction in damp hair. Detangling hair under water with conditioner prevents breakage and hair loss.

5 – Regular cut

Cutting your hair every 3 months is the most suitable recipe for hair growth, providing healthy development and a well-groomed appearance, without ends. A lot of people think they have to stop cutting to grow, but it’s exactly the opposite, especially in hair transition.

It is important that you know:

All these steps must be followed carefully and whenever possible under the guidance and supervision of a dermatologist. Use scientifically tested and proven products, with the seal of anvisa. Food recipes can leave residue and damage the scalp.

If you notice any damage to the hair or a difference in the appearance of the leather, suspend any procedure and go to the professional. These recipe tips for hair growth are safe and will help you a lot!